Apr 24, 2024

For decades, metalforming presses have relied on circuit board-based controls to manage operations. While these systems served their purpose, they struggle to keep pace with the demands of today's dynamic manufacturing landscape.


Sutherland Presses, a trusted leader in metalforming solutions; mechanical stamping, servo-hydraulic, and forge presses for over 70 years, recognized this need for advancement and developed the groundbreaking I-PRESS® & Automation Control System.


This article dives into the critical differences between traditional circuit board controls and Sutherland's innovative PLC and software-based I-PRESS® system, highlighting the benefits of I-PRESS® and how it can empower you to optimize your metalforming operations for the future.

Circuit Board Controls: Limitations in a Modern World

Circuit board control systems, while prevalent in older presses, present several drawbacks that hinder efficiency and future-proofing:

  • Limited Flexibility: Rigid hardware configurations make customization for specific applications difficult. Upgrading often requires physical board changes, leading to downtime and potential compatibility issues.
  • Menu Maze: Complex, menu-driven interfaces can be cumbersome and time-consuming to navigate, increasing the risk of operator errors and slowing down setup times.
  • Data Deficiencies: Limited data acquisition capabilities restrict process optimization and preventative maintenance strategies. Valuable production insights remain hidden.
  • Obsolescence Trap: As technology advances, circuit board-based controls become obsolete quickly. Finding replacement parts and qualified technical support becomes a challenge.



PLC & Software-Based Controls: Empowering Your Metalforming Operations

Sutherland's I-PRESS® system breaks free from these limitations by leveraging the power of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and software architecture. This innovative approach unlocks a range of benefits:



  • Intuitive Interface: A user-friendly touchscreen interface simplifies operator training, setup, and navigation. This reduces errors and streamlines the entire production process.
  • Scalability for Growth: The software-based nature of I-PRESS® allows for effortless customization and adaptation to evolving production needs. New features and functionalities can be seamlessly integrated through software updates, minimizing downtime and maximizing future-proof value.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: I-PRESS® goes beyond basic control by capturing valuable production data in real-time. This empowers you to monitor performance, analyze trends, and implement preventative maintenance strategies. Data-driven insights pave the way for process optimization and improved production quality.
  • Industry 4.0 Ready: Designed with Industry 4.0 integration in mind, I-PRESS® seamlessly connects to your existing network, facilitating data exchange and automation for a truly smart factory environment.
  • Guaranteed Support: As the developer, Sutherland Presses guarantees ongoing technical support and parts availability for the I-PRESS® system, ensuring long-term investment protection.


Unlocking Your Press Potential with I-PRESS®

Upgrading your existing presses with Sutherland's I-PRESS® system offers a wealth of advantages:

  • Enhanced Safety: The intuitive interface and advanced features of I-PRESS® contribute to a safer working environment for your operators.
  • Boosted Efficiency: Faster setup times, reduced errors, and real-time data analysis lead to significant efficiency gains.
  • Scalable Investment: The I-PRESS® system adapts and grows with your evolving needs, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.
  • Reduced Downtime: Software updates and readily available support minimize downtime associated with traditional control systems.
  • Data-Driven Future: I-PRESS® equips you to make informed decisions based on real-time production data, optimizing processes and maximizing profitability.

‍Sutherland Presses: Your Partner in Metalforming Innovation

Sutherland Presses understands the critical role of press controls in optimizing your metalforming operations. With the I-PRESS® system, we offer a future-proof solution that empowers you to take complete command of your metalforming processes.

Contact Sutherland Presses today to explore how I-PRESS® can transform your metalworking operations and propel you towards a more competitive future.

Patented I-PRESS controls are built on Rockwell Allan Bradley hardware of software platforms, not black box technology. The most fully featured and intuitive control available and it is scalable to grow with you in the future.


We offer components kit and schematics for companies that have panel build capabilities. We also provide fully built systems as shown above and below.


Visit our Online Simulator to operate and get to know I-PRESS


If you have an interest in upgrading your older mechanical presses with new controls, reach out to


Sutherland Presses


For decades, metalforming presses have relied on circuit board-based controls to manage operations. While these systems served their purpose, they struggle to keep pace with the demands of today's dynamic manufacturing landscape.


Sutherland Presses, a trusted leader in metalforming solutions; mechanical stamping, servo-hydraulic, and forge presses for over 70 years, recognized this need for advancement and developed the groundbreaking I-PRESS® & Automation Control System.


This article dives into the critical differences between traditional circuit board controls and Sutherland's innovative PLC and software-based I-PRESS® system, highlighting the benefits of I-PRESS® and how it can empower you to optimize your metalforming operations for the future.



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